Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Charm of Jennifer Lawrence

By Jorge Lion:

Jennifer Lawrence
To this amazingly talented and beautiful actress, to learn how to face the huge popularity she has been receiving is something that she’s dealt with astonishing genuineness as she still manages to stay on earth. After the booming success that finally shot her to stardom since she played the teenage heroine Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games" interest in Lawrence has been peaking up. The film, which was set in a post-apocalyptic world where children fight to death in a competition, grossed nearly $ 700 million worldwide.

"Somehow, you can get ready for it," she says about her sudden fame. "I know if I do not want to be chased I have to take a different car and I've also learned not to let internet photos. When my face is everywhere else ‘cause of the movie then I worry. There are posters of me all over the place and when I see other people's posters everywhere I think they're heavy, no matter how they are in person or professionally. Therefore, that what is worries me most: be tiring people. "

Natural. That’s the way she is.

The 22 years old is one of the actresses who has given more than talk in recent years. Oscar nominee for "Winter's Bone" (Debra Granik, 2010), she gained enough popularity for her appearance in “X-Men: First Class”, Matthew Vaughn, 2011, playing Raven / Mystique which confirmed her as a rising star to role the film adaptation of Suzanne Collins’s "The Hunger Games", Gary Ross, 2012, great for many and far better than the "Twilight " for others (we only have to see the final chapter). Her most recent release (which ending two years of increasing height) is the romantic comedy "Silver Lining Playbook" by David O. Russell, starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro, has been pleasantly attention from critics. His role as Tiffany, a young widow sex addict, has given her another prize in her short career: a second nomination for a Golden Globe Award while outside they are already talking about a tough rivalry ahead the Oscar’s.

Above all, she is a devoted fan of this film’s director -"I love David O. Russell and I saw "I Heart Huckerbees" about 11 times in a week "- and she was exciting to work with Robert De Niro, who plays Cooper’s father. In one memorable scene, Lawrence goes toe by toe with the movie’s legend, launching an energetic monologue on his own face.

"I was, of course, aware that he was De Niro," he says, "but I wasn’t nervous. He is charming, normal and warm”. Safety in Lawrence comes from her childhood, growing up with two older brothers, who were crazy about horse-sport at their farm in Kentucky. Her first job in the business came up when she was spotted in New York.

As Katnis Everdeen
on Lionsgate's production
"The Hunger Games"
I was offered a lots of modeling contracts but I refused. I was like, 'the truth is that I think I will be an actress.' Doing that was silly but was probably the only time my confidence paid off. "

To crown fantastically what has been a fabulous year for the actress, AskMen magazine, has chosen her as the "most desirable woman in the world", according to an international survey published by the journal’s website. Last year, in the same survey, the star of "The Hunger Games" had occupied the 47th position, but now she jumped to the top of the list thanks to her role as eccentric young widow in "Silver Lining Playbook ".At least that’s the theory of the editor of AskMen, James Bassil. "In general, there is a feeling that is a bit more authentic than other actresses," theorized man. He added another factor in favor of the 22 year old girl: public still know little about it, as to figure out a negative opinion: "She is sweet, we have not seen her in tabloids in the last three or four years.” However, others have criticized the selection because Jennifer is not even remotely a voluptuous woman or perhaps sexy enough to give her a status of "most desired". Although, in my opinion, and honesty, that description has absolutely nothing to do with her body, which does not detract at all, be certainly, a very attractive woman. As soon as there is something, like to catch a celestial blue color enclosing her sad eyes or to breathe tenderness distilling his warm smile. But, most of all, her ability as a human being seems to raise her above others.

And it's true. If you take a look at her not even look like an actress. She isn’t narcissistic and she does not everything have to do with her. She’s the same wherever she is, even if she is having a movie or an interview or if she is surrounded by important people-or at least those ones whose believed important, which is impressive. You notice so she has the ability to make others happy, no matter what happens. Happiness follows wherever she goes. She has her own priorities. Knowing what is important. When you met her parents then you realize why she is that way. "She supports her family around her." Says Woody Harrelson about Jennifer: "It's an amazing girl. I think she has to do with the way a person was raised. And, of course, she was well grown. People around her are really, really nice. Many times, when people lose their heads, when they become famous, it's because they are insecure. She is not. You'd think the arrogance comes from thinking too much about yourself. But come to think too little. She does not need to take any airs. No need. Her people, her family, are all very important to her and they are always included in her life. Hes friends are great people. She has her head in place. "

Of course, Lawrence says performing is her job, not her life. She never learned drama, and she attributes her success to luck. And while she understands the fascination of what is she does, she is hurry up to note herself paid to just say a few lines, instead of revive patients or take away people from a burning building, which speaks volumes of their commitment to the around you.

"I'm still in touch with reality, and I can see this business for what it really is for me: a playground. I'm playing. I’m working imagining things. Nothing is real. None of this really matters. I have no sense of superiority. I feel just lucky, but not special. I do not think there is a moment when I feel I deserve it”, she says. "The celebrity and fame and acting are two separate things. Part of fame is very predictable. I'm not impressed by it. "

Conclusively wise words in the mouth of someone so young. Someone who does not mind being someone else than herself. "I'm a big believer in accepting yourself as you are and not worry about it," she says. That must be why she has earned the eyes of many of those whoever wants to work with her. And others who admire her and cheer her. Surely, others who are already madly in love with her. And, of course, this also won’t miss rivalry from actresses like Angelina Jolie, who, by the way, lost  the opportunity to play Tiffany in "Silver Lining Playbook" against her and recently declared, apparently stung by the girl’s success: What does she have that I have not? Of course, it is worth mentioning: Youth.

The muse of independent films is now Dior's new face

So far, his career is going up and all sail. Lawrence is now together with overproduction and should take the opportunity. Currently, she just finished rolling the Saga: "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" by the new director Francis Lawrence. "It's great to be back," she smiles. "I feel like a sophomore in high school because usually, the first day of work, is like the first day of school and you do not know if you'll make friends. In this film, I love everybody. "

Far as she is concerned, though, even more than her own popularity is Katniss Everdeen’s fame. "My biggest concern in taking this saga is that people could not get lost in my other films – if they always saw Katniss."

Time to time. What I am sure of: this actress has the sky as limit and it all seems she will not stop until she touches the Olympus of the immortals. Talent she has and conditions for it. We'll see. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

U.S. Immigration: A serious matter

"... Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the territory of any State."
                                  Human Rights’ Universal Declaration. Cap 13.01

 By JtvLion:

 Around 1400’s, about 700 years ago, America was populated by Native Americans or Native American Indian, native to the steppes, forests and mountainous areas near the coast. In addition, indigenous people of the east coast in the Atlantic, Pacific, and those who roamed the cold and remote regions of the Arctic, near Alaska and the Bering Sea to consisted mainly villages and tribes were adapting quickly. They becoming a nomadic civilization that followed the migratory routes of the american bison’s they hunted for food, and that developed in the archaic use of tools which in turn had migrated at least 2,000 to 3,000 years ago from Siberia to the great continent.

Likewise, the Forest Indians were super populations whom inhabited the forests between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River. Those tribes were generally communal and used to live in villages with wooden huts and tracks.

The arrival of British settlers definitely remarked a new era in the history of North America. The emergence of the United States of America starts from the British colonization of America, starring British waves of immigrants whom, between the XVII and XVIII, founded the Thirteen Colonies on the Atlantic coast of the North American continent, east of the Appalachian Mountains. These colonies turned back against the French possessions in Quebec and Louisiana, whom had built their first colonial empire in North America, called New France, which extended from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Rocky Mountains to the west and to the Gulf of Mexico to the south. Furthermore, the Spanish also established colonies south of America with the foundations of the cities of St. Augustine in Florida, San Diego, California and Santa Fe, in New Mexico.

Well, with this brief preamble we tries to emphasize the vital importance that English and French immigration -and to a lesser scale in the Spanish-birth- of the today great nation United States of America is. We could add the waves of immigration happened before and after World War I and II, which include populations of foreign countries as different as Germany, Ireland, China, Italy, Russia, Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, and many others, whose have further compelling reasons as to claim that the United States is a country made through the influence of immigrants. A country that, ironically, in the twenty-first century, recklessly trying to curb the phenomenon of immigration at any cost and still not or choose not to take a leading role in favor of illegal immigration, although it promotes world towards legal and orderly migration.

Nevertheless, what would become United States of America, the most powerful country in the world, without immigrant’s contribution? Consider this:

As the immigration of black Africans to America was forced and arbitrary, though, to work as slaves and supply the workforce for the benefit of white patterns between the XVIII’s and XIX’s  is one of the most significant chapters in the growth, cultural and economic development of the United States. The 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature, Toni Morrison, said "... American culture is a black culture, and that is precisely what makes it unique. Migration can be voluntary or involuntary, because some people choose to make the trip, but not others. However, they robbed, kidnapped Africans and forced to migrate.

They had in mind a home they left, and the migration problem is how to make that place to where they go a house. "

 "The country where they went does not even welcome them. However, American culture is black: music, theater, even part of the language, and few other things from Europe. The most peculiar thing in what we call American culture is the impact of black people. No divorce between cultures; there is a dependency of other cultures to the same sense of being American. One thing unites them whoever blacks, whites, Italians or Irish in America: the white, but whiteness is been made by blackness”, explained the author.

He added that black culture has also inspired many of the social movements in the United States, from civil war to abolish slavery to those of the 60’s of last century to claim civil rights or to demand rights for women.

"All liberation movement in the United States begins with black people. When people in the U.S. mobilize to its demands, there are blacks. They have inspired others who have suffered repression in some form. Such as women or Latin-Americans, who thus become more powerful, more demanding. However, it is interesting how these movements are supported by blacks”, said Morrison.

With Latin-American’s immigration is happening as much. It is not just the unprecedented cultural contribution is giving the United States a different dimension in the global arena. The magnitude of the Hispanic immigration, largely, felt as a blow to the very traditional roots of the nation. The issue of the Spanish language, politics, sports, art forms, strength of Hispanics as the largest minority prevailing in the country, is having quite some time an overwhelming presence in the different aspects of life in the USA. The myth that immigrants have taken jobs from American workers has caused to those economic experts -who have studied the relationship between immigration and employment in the United States- report that immigrants create more jobs than they take away. They do so by establishing new businesses, increasing the productivity of existing businesses, investing capital and spending dollars on consumer goods. For example, a 1994’s study by researchers at the University of Ohio found a statistically significant relationship between immigration and unemployment... by stating, "To a greater scale immigration is associated with lower unemployment" and concluded that immigrants do not have a negative effect on earnings and employment opportunities of Native Americans.”

Another myth is equally untrue that immigrants deplete social services. In fact, immigrants actually generate significantly more in paid taxes than the cost of services. This is because undocumented workers, despite not being qualified to receive most federal benefits, often withheld Social Security taxes and income from their paychecks. Indeed, immigrants contribute more than $ 90 million in taxes to the U.S. economy each year, while only receiving $5 million in social welfare.

As a result, a television commentator recently stated, "a retired citizen receiving Social Security benefits and living at rural Kentucky is subsidized indirectly by an immigrant who washes dishes in a cheaper restaurant in Santa Monica." On the other hand, another commentator recently proposed that the best solution to the Social Security crisis caused by aging of "baby boomers" would be to encourage immigration to create "instant adult" whom begin to work immediately and to make payments in the Social Security system.

Therefore, what prevents the federal government from the U.S., promote and approve at once an act that may lead to a legal and orderly immigration, which allows near than 12.5 millions illegal immigrants -currently residing in the U.S. - leaving anonymity and adjust their legal status? How is possible the Dream Act (a bill that would encourage college students, basically) would allow hundreds of thousands of immigrant students across the country to continue their studies in the country which gave them the opportunity to do so and, consequently after graduates, contribute their knowledge for development of this country? This yet has not been approved but is being lambasted by a group of senators and representatives whom have entrenched themselves in the axiom what they are promoting is a kind of amnesty for those who stand to the U.S. illegally. Why so much uncertainty or resistance to admit what is best for all and for the country at the end of the day?

Besides, the Supreme Court, in reference to Arizona’s SB 1070, which arbitrarily criminalizes undocumented immigrants and crime suspects, recently rejected the birth of such absurd, inappropriate and discriminatory laws, as it. This law, considers all those, who their appearance may seem immigrants, whether U.S. citizens or legal or illegal immigrants, as criminals. Many sees it as an "immigrant hunt", reflects just stubbornness and intolerance of a minority group who themselves believe as absolute masters of this country just cause they were born here, or speak English, or have a lighter skin than immigrants. However, it is also regrettable the inability of the federal government, as a matter of immigration and foreigners, which management is concern them entirely, to establish a consistent and legal basis according with current real world and despite this does not act resolutely as a result.

In addition, recent laws have appeared as "English only" stating that English is the official language and prohibit public employees provides any assistance and services that are not in English. Actually, these laws, regulations, or restrictions disagree with the First Amendment’s right to communicate with or petition to government, or the right to equality. They are also unnecessary and sometimes even dangerous to both individuals and the public. Some legislation as "English only" which are currently in force in 18 states are written in so broad sense as prohibiting services that are not in English such as assistance to recipients of benefits, applications for driver's licenses and bilingual education.

The current laws of "English Only” have the false premise that today’s immigrants coming from Asian or Spanish speaking countries will not learn English without government coercion. Indeed, the vast majority of Asian and Latino immigrants acquire proficiency in English just quickly, more even faster than previous generations of Italian, Russian and German immigrants. In fact, only 4% of the population of the United States over the age of five does not speak English.

The problem is not immigrants do not want to learn English, but there are not enough educational resources
for them. Today, many thousands of immigrants across the country are on the waiting list to learn English for adults. English laws not only do nothing constructive to increase English proficiency, but they just discriminate against for and punish those who have not yet learned English. However, it is becoming more undeniable today, the real need to create more and more available jobs for those who have a good command of both languages ​​(English and Spanish) due to growing Hispanic population requiring provision of bilingual services.

Now, it’s true the Constitution does not give foreigners the right to enter the United States. Nevertheless, once they are here, the Constitution protects them from discrimination based on race or national origin and from arbitrary treatment by the government. Immigrants work and pay taxes. Legal immigrants are subject to military service. Many immigrants have lived in this country for decades; they have become citizens of the United States and raised their children as citizens of the United States. Laws that punish them violate their fundamental right to a fair and equal treatment. In this case, there is also a clear violation of Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states:

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

However, it is fair to acknowledge that human rights at the international level cannot go in practice, against or above the human rights of the population of the countries of immigration. To think otherwise would be inconceivable, especially since immigration countries could not solve the problem of overpopulation in Southeast Asia, to cite one case. Rather it is the opposite: immigration in developed countries usually supporters (especially among the economically most powerful classes) to meet the needs of developing countries especially in regards to having cheap labor and keep wages relatively low, even at cost of social harm which could be make by working with the native population. In addition, in the country of emigration, is often not a solution for those who have emigrated are precisely those who have the greatest desire to excel themselves in many instances, even in higher level of education.

Monday, November 26, 2012

2012: The Mayan Prophecy

"... Something wonderful is coming on, no matter how dark the present is."
Rabindranath Tagore

By JtvLion:

The End of the World. The Chaos. The Biblical Revelation. Lately, the Mayan prophecy, has reached such levels of popularity and urgency that some prestigious writers raised that humanity would experience, on the one hand, a positive physical or spiritual transformation, which marked the beginning of a new era. While, at the other hand, others have suggested that the 2012 date would mark the end of the whole things we know, -including the Earth and every living creature that inhabits her- by a product of a global cataclysm without precedent or something similar. The prophesy is mainly based on the completion of their calendar, whose 5,125-year cycle of life would just end on December 21, 2012, the day of the winter solstice.

Another view many more apocalyptic and frightening of the 2012 year has also spread in various media, by describing the end of the world or the extermination of human civilization on that date. This view has been promoted, in one way or another, from a run media (television, newspapers, film, internet) equally found followers and detractors whom suggest that massive solar storms, magnetic pole shifts, cataclysmic natural phenomena, earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, climate change major product of global cooling and other drastic natural disasters "might" happen in 2012.

Is it true or not? It might ask, and it would not deny it, though, neither would give it all credits to a debate between those who support this theory and others whom contest it. You would have too much fabric where to cut. However, let us look at it, plain and simple, without many scientific details or religious mazes that are true or false in this all. Then, you can make your own conclusions.

According to the Popol Vuh, a book that brings together details of creation accounts known as the Quiche Maya, an ethnic group of the colonial era’s highlands, now living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh states the first gods created three failed worlds. The fourth world succeeded and prospered; the "zero date" long count approximated around August 11, 3114, BC and became the home of modern man. In the long count, every previous world ended after the thirteenth Baktun’s era (a period calculated to next 5125 years).

In 1957, American astronomer Maud W. Makemson wrote: "the full phase of a great period of 13 baktun could have been a paramount importance to the Mayas." Meanwhile, in 1966, the American writer Michael D. Coe said in his book The Maya: "on the final day of the thirteenth baktun, Armageddon could surprise people, this wicked world and all creation."

Coe's apocalyptic interpretation renewed other researches to early 1990. In opposition, later came to the assumption that the final date of baktun could, perhaps, be cause for celebration and not necessarily mark the end of the calendar. According to Mayan culture expert Mark Van Stone: "... There is nothing in the Maya or Aztec prophecy or ancient Mesoamericans to suggest that they prophesied a sudden or great for any type in 2012. The notion of an end to come is a thoroughly modern invention. “In 1990, scholars Linda Schele and David Freidel argued that the Maya "did not conceive ... this to be the end of creation, as many have suggested." Susan Milbrath, keeper of the Natural History Museum in Florida stated, "... the archaeological community has no record or knowledge that Mayas believed the world would end in 2012. For the ancient Maya, it was a grand celebration that marks the end of a great cycle, "said Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies. Submit to December 21, 2012 as a doomsday event or moment of cosmic shifting, "are a total fabrication and a great opportunity for many people to get money."

Science vs. Prophecy

In the mid 90’s, it stated that the ancient Maya people had the intention to enter their calendar to the winter solstice in 2012, which falls on December 21. This date lined up with an idea called "galactic alignment". According to this theory, the solar system planets and the Sun share roughly the same plane of orbit, known as the ecliptic plane. From our perspective on Earth, the ecliptic is the path by which the sun travels across the sky our year. The constellations that line the ecliptic known as the zodiac and, throughout the year, the Sun passes through each constellation in turn. Furthermore, over time the Sun's annual passage appears back in the opposite direction to clockwise by one degree every 72 years. This movement, called precession attributed to a slight wobble of Earth's axis as it spins. As a result, approximately every 2160 years, the constellation visible on the first morning of the spring equinox changes. In Western astrological traditions, this signals the end of one astrological age (Pisces) and the beginning of another (Aquarius). For 26,000 years, the precession made a complete circuit around the ecliptic.

Just as the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere is currently in the constellation of Pisces, so the winter solstice is currently in the constellation of Sagittarius, which is the zodiacal constellation crusade for galactic Ecuador. Every year for the last 1,000 years, the winter solstice, from the surface of the Earth, the Sun and the galactic Ecuador appears to into alignment, and every year, precession pushes the Sun's position a little more through the Milky Way.

John M. Jenkins suggests, "The Mayas based their calendar on observations of the Great Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in the Milky Way, which they call the Xibalba be or Black Road." According to the hypothesis, the Sun precisely aligns with their point of intersection on the winter solstice of 2012, whose combination would be the harbinger of a profound spiritual transition for humankind. Proponents of the New Era’s hypothesis of "galactic alignment" discussed this, just as astrology uses the positions of stars and planets to make claims of future events, the Mayans argue their calendars in order to prepare for significant world events.

What will be true about of these assumptions?

While astronomers argue that the galactic Ecuador is an entirely arbitrary line, and can never be precisely determined, (it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to determine exactly where to begin or end the Milky Way) some Mayan scholars have proposed some Mayan holy dates were controlled for precession cycles. Yet, despite the historical evidence, placing important events on the solstices or equinoxes, opinions about it have remained divided.

So, seeing so, we might bring the arrival of December 21, 2012 and we could expect to happen? Remembering the way the world at large was awaiting the arrival of the new millennium with good and bad news forecasts. A many ingredients’ salad. It is true, with the beginning of a new era, and staged large advances from the technological point of view. For example, there have been at supersonic speed, consequently resulting in radical changes in communications, which has led us to a world increasingly globalized, though paradoxically, less shared by analogy, when it should be the opposite but definitely a different world in many ways, whose features would be too long to enumerate. Similarly, it is also true that the world has also experienced and still experience natural phenomena and not so "natural" which have large submerged in misfortune and tribulation to many countries and their people. The terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the global economic crisis and upheavals occurred in the Middle East and other parts of the world have greatly revolutionized the way probably we heads towards a new world order. Moreover, optimism encourages thinking if something happen on that date somehow could mitigate the wildness and quickness as we are living on these days. Perhaps, December 21, 2012, intended to be a relevant date, which will inevitably change the course of history. I am leaning to think, to emerge as a gradual transformation to makes us better human beings, lovers of our fellows and being mindful to the future would be much better if this contributes to the good sense and sanity of all those who populate Earth. If so, God bless Mayas to forecast earlier to us as the end of one cycle to beginning of a better one.